Monday, April 7, 2014

Blog Hop! My Writing Process

Hello there! It's Heather. I don't have my own author blog...yet. I have a blog, but I'm really bad at keeping it up so I'm using Dash for this :)

Anyway, Erica tagged in in a fun blog hop so I'l be answering a few questions about my writing process. It should be fun!

1. What am I working on?
Right now I'm working on We Were Us, my first novel! It's a cute little coming of age story. I think you'll like it. 

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I write NA/Contemporary, and I think my books are different from others I've read because the heroine I feel, is a real girl, strong and confident. She has her faults of course, and learns to rise above her worries. I want others to be able to relate to her and feel her emotions right along with her. 

3. Why do I write what I write?
Everyone has a story to tell, and I just want to tell it. I'm inspired by what's around me and I want to tell everyone what I see. I've had stories in my head my whole life and written them down, and now I have the opportunity to tell them. 

4. How does your writing process work? 
I'm extremely random. I have an idea and hand write it out really quickly then write random scenes. I piece it together when I'm done. It's chaos and I repeat myself a lot. Sometimes I get so lost I just have to stop. I have 40,000 in a story that I just can't finish right now because it's too random. For We Were Us I kind of did the same thing, but I stopped and wrote a basic outline of what I wanted to happen. It's still really random and there are no real chapters set yet, but I'm happier with the way this one is turning out!

5. Next week on the Tour:
Komal Kant. 
Erika Van Eck

Thank you Erica Cope for tagging me! Find her blog HERE
You can also find her in these places:


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