Yikes, I've been water logged! I had a major storm blow through my tiny town on Monday and we lost power and most of the county is flooded. It was the perfect time to sit down and read a quick, fun, sexy little story.
I read Strip Me Free by Michelle Turner
Strip Me Free is a sweet and sexy New Adult Novella centering around Briar Roberts. She's a young girl being forced to marry someone she doesn't love, but finds her self and her true love on a wild girls night in Vegas. This book was light and fun and a little sexy. Briar meets Zane, the super hot owner of the hottest strip club in Vegas, they have a wild night and it only gets crazier from there! I liked this story because it tapped in to my wild side. How fun would it be to be carefree for one night and meet a hot stranger who falls for you in an instant. Strong and handsome and a little bit bad, Zane sweeps Briar off her feet and doesn't let her get away easily. If you're looking for a quick read (think beach time, airport layover, rainy day), then pick up a copy of Strip Me Free.
Heather: I just read Strip Me Free and it was a great little guilty pleasure book. Tell us a little about it and what your inspiration was for it. Michelle: Well, Strip Me Free is the story of Briar and Zane. Briar's a girl who's been sheltered and controlled all her life and decides to give herself one night of freedom in Vegas. Zane's the owner of the strip club Briar happens to find herself in during that freedom. The whole story is about how he comes into her life and turns it upside down - in the best way possible of course. There wasn't one thing that really inspired me to write Strip Me Free. The story just honestly came to me out of the blue. One minute I was sitting there and the next minute the characters hit me and I knew I had to start writing. So that's what I did.
H: Sometimes that's the best way to write! H: Can you give us a taste of any current WIP's? M: Yes, I can. The next book I'm focusing on is Enlightening Bloom, which is the follow-up to my very first book Reviving Bloom. So here's a teaser from Bloom's best friend Bonnie: For some stupid reason I decide I need to dance. I’m not even sure what the band’s playing, but in my inebriated state it doesn’t matter. I’m waving my stolen bottle of Jack around in the air and I’m swaying my hips to the music. I grab the closest unattached guy and pull him out to join me. I wrap my arms around his neck, dumping some Jack down the guys back, and pull him close to me. If I was sober I would’ve realized this wasn’t a great idea. I feel the guy being jerked out of my arms and I look up and up and up and find glowing amber eyes staring back at me. Tucker pulls the bottle out of my hand and throws it over his shoulder. Then grips my waist, lifting me up off the floor so we’re face to face. “Keep trying to fight this all you want. I won’t be going anywhere. But no other male is allowed to put his hands on you. I see that again and their life will be forfeited. Do you understand me?” Tucker’s voice is dropped into a low growl and even in my drunken state I can tell his words aren’t just an empty threat, but a sincere promise. I swallow the lump in my throat and decide this isn’t the best time to fight him. “Completely.” “Good.” His eyes scan my face and I know if I was on my feet I’d be squirming when his intense gaze lands on my lips. “I should kiss some sense into you.” I bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming. “Please do.” I don’t want to fight him. I can’t, tonight. I want to feel the needy burn he causes in me. A burn the whiskey in me is fueling instead of dousing. He sees the need in my eyes or maybe he’s just reading my thoughts, but either way instead of taking my lips, like I want, he places me back on my feet. He pushes some loose strands of hair away from my face. His fingers brushing the skin of my cheek causes me to shiver. Then he leans down to my ear and whispers. “Not tonight. I want you to remember our first kiss, so I’ll wait till you’re sober. But don’t worry it’s coming. Soon.” I shiver, at his words this time. He feels it and chuckles. Then he presses a soft kiss right below my ear and turns around and leaves me standing drunk, lonely, and turned on beyond belief in the middle of the dance floor. H: Sounds exciting! I need to finish Reviving Bloom, quick!
H: What are your 3 favorite books right now? M: Rock Chick Revenge by Kristen Ashley (I love almost all her books, but this one was the one that I keep going back to and re-reading. I think I'm up to three or four times read so far.) Falling for Hadie by Komal Kant. (Love, love, love this book! Actually I love this series and I'm going crazy waiting for the next one.) Territory by Susan Bliler (I'm a sucker for a good shifter/werewolf book. And Susan is one of my absolute favorite authors for this genre.)
H: I've heard good things about Kristen Ashley and I LOVE Komal's books. H: I'm a facebook stalker so I know you just went camping! What other things do you do when you aren't writing?
M: Read, a lot. If I'm not writing or doing something with my family, you find me reading.
I'm an avid reader too!
H: I'm an aspiring writer and currently working on my first novel. It's harder than I thought! Do you have any advice for me (and others)? M: Always keep paper and pen/pencil on you because you never know when inspiration's going to hit you and if you don't get it don't you could easily forget. And ignore the bad reviews. Some people are going to love your book and some are going to hate it, but either way it goes it's all a matter of opinion. Some of my favorite books are ones that don't have stellar reviews
Thanks Michelle!
Michelle has also agreed to giveaway 3 ebooks!! Enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I read Strip Me Free by Michelle Turner
Strip Me Free is a sweet and sexy New Adult Novella centering around Briar Roberts. She's a young girl being forced to marry someone she doesn't love, but finds her self and her true love on a wild girls night in Vegas. This book was light and fun and a little sexy. Briar meets Zane, the super hot owner of the hottest strip club in Vegas, they have a wild night and it only gets crazier from there! I liked this story because it tapped in to my wild side. How fun would it be to be carefree for one night and meet a hot stranger who falls for you in an instant. Strong and handsome and a little bit bad, Zane sweeps Briar off her feet and doesn't let her get away easily. If you're looking for a quick read (think beach time, airport layover, rainy day), then pick up a copy of Strip Me Free.
Heather: I just read Strip Me Free and it was a great little guilty pleasure book. Tell us a little about it and what your inspiration was for it. Michelle: Well, Strip Me Free is the story of Briar and Zane. Briar's a girl who's been sheltered and controlled all her life and decides to give herself one night of freedom in Vegas. Zane's the owner of the strip club Briar happens to find herself in during that freedom. The whole story is about how he comes into her life and turns it upside down - in the best way possible of course. There wasn't one thing that really inspired me to write Strip Me Free. The story just honestly came to me out of the blue. One minute I was sitting there and the next minute the characters hit me and I knew I had to start writing. So that's what I did.
H: Sometimes that's the best way to write! H: Can you give us a taste of any current WIP's? M: Yes, I can. The next book I'm focusing on is Enlightening Bloom, which is the follow-up to my very first book Reviving Bloom. So here's a teaser from Bloom's best friend Bonnie: For some stupid reason I decide I need to dance. I’m not even sure what the band’s playing, but in my inebriated state it doesn’t matter. I’m waving my stolen bottle of Jack around in the air and I’m swaying my hips to the music. I grab the closest unattached guy and pull him out to join me. I wrap my arms around his neck, dumping some Jack down the guys back, and pull him close to me. If I was sober I would’ve realized this wasn’t a great idea. I feel the guy being jerked out of my arms and I look up and up and up and find glowing amber eyes staring back at me. Tucker pulls the bottle out of my hand and throws it over his shoulder. Then grips my waist, lifting me up off the floor so we’re face to face. “Keep trying to fight this all you want. I won’t be going anywhere. But no other male is allowed to put his hands on you. I see that again and their life will be forfeited. Do you understand me?” Tucker’s voice is dropped into a low growl and even in my drunken state I can tell his words aren’t just an empty threat, but a sincere promise. I swallow the lump in my throat and decide this isn’t the best time to fight him. “Completely.” “Good.” His eyes scan my face and I know if I was on my feet I’d be squirming when his intense gaze lands on my lips. “I should kiss some sense into you.” I bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming. “Please do.” I don’t want to fight him. I can’t, tonight. I want to feel the needy burn he causes in me. A burn the whiskey in me is fueling instead of dousing. He sees the need in my eyes or maybe he’s just reading my thoughts, but either way instead of taking my lips, like I want, he places me back on my feet. He pushes some loose strands of hair away from my face. His fingers brushing the skin of my cheek causes me to shiver. Then he leans down to my ear and whispers. “Not tonight. I want you to remember our first kiss, so I’ll wait till you’re sober. But don’t worry it’s coming. Soon.” I shiver, at his words this time. He feels it and chuckles. Then he presses a soft kiss right below my ear and turns around and leaves me standing drunk, lonely, and turned on beyond belief in the middle of the dance floor. H: Sounds exciting! I need to finish Reviving Bloom, quick!
H: What are your 3 favorite books right now? M: Rock Chick Revenge by Kristen Ashley (I love almost all her books, but this one was the one that I keep going back to and re-reading. I think I'm up to three or four times read so far.) Falling for Hadie by Komal Kant. (Love, love, love this book! Actually I love this series and I'm going crazy waiting for the next one.) Territory by Susan Bliler (I'm a sucker for a good shifter/werewolf book. And Susan is one of my absolute favorite authors for this genre.)
H: I've heard good things about Kristen Ashley and I LOVE Komal's books. H: I'm a facebook stalker so I know you just went camping! What other things do you do when you aren't writing?
M: Read, a lot. If I'm not writing or doing something with my family, you find me reading.
I'm an avid reader too!
H: I'm an aspiring writer and currently working on my first novel. It's harder than I thought! Do you have any advice for me (and others)? M: Always keep paper and pen/pencil on you because you never know when inspiration's going to hit you and if you don't get it don't you could easily forget. And ignore the bad reviews. Some people are going to love your book and some are going to hate it, but either way it goes it's all a matter of opinion. Some of my favorite books are ones that don't have stellar reviews
Thanks Michelle!
Michelle has also agreed to giveaway 3 ebooks!! Enter below.

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