There was a part of me that was like: Don't be blunt. Pshh.
I currently have a giveaway up on my blog if you want to go enter it.

Too bad her dual life doesn't come with an instruction manual.
Just when she thinks that fate can't throw anything else at her, the Duchess Isobel is found on the brink of death and Mia’s boyfriend Jacoby is the only suspect.
Despite the suspicion surrounding him, Mia is sure of the innocence of the boy she loves and she is determined to prove it no matter the risk.
The problem is, the one thing that can save Isobel and clear Jacoby can only be found in the shadows of the Underworld.
Oh boy.
Sequels, especially within trilogies are tough for me. I normally feel like they are fillers. A really long draw bridge. ITS is anything but that. While I don't think it could be read as a stand alone novel, it is a novel that moves forward, brings in the first book, has action sequences, and sets up the third novel.
A lot of girls really like Jacoby. Don't get me wrong, I get why he's dreamy. But he is no GREY! Oh Grey, my sweet, strong, moral compass of a man. How I dream of you. In the last book, Jacoby was in the lead. I really was worried that I wouldn't get enough Grey in this book, because he was the runner up in the love triangle. Well, maybe he's not. But Mia doesn't do the typical love triangle. Erica presents in a subtle way. Mia is never portrayed as flippant or shallow with the boys' feelings.
Mia - My little nerdy girl. What? She is. But in this novel, I got to see how a nerdy girl can be strong and again, Erica presents Mia character change subtly. Mia doesn't go from mild and meek to loud and forth wright. It's shows growth, in a realistic way, if being part elf allows you to be realistic. She had a lot on her shoulders in this book. She copes with grief, guilt, denial, and an unsure future. It's a lot for anyone and Mia cracks a bit, picks herself up, cracks a bit more, and picks herself up.
In the end, go buy it. You won't be sorry! :)
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