Hey everyone!
Recently, I finished up my first draft of The Owens Legacy:
Redemption. While getting words down on the paper can be a struggle, the bigger
struggle for me is the editing.
I am very fortunate that my good friend Nadine has an
incredible English eye. I often say: “Everyone should have a Nadine.” What I want to show you today is the
result of Nadine’s editing. Some of the things she does: reads it through,
corrects my grammar and typos, checks out my inconsistencies, and talks me
through on places I got stuck.
Below is what my manuscript
looks like. When I first get it back from Nadine. Notice that she used multiple
pen colors so comments didn’t mesh together? After we go over page by page, I begin the editing. It’s a lot. It’s overwhelming, so how do I juggle this? I do two things: one I set daily page goals and two I use a highlighter. It helps me keep my spot and I also feel accomplished when I start highlighting what I have completed.
I do this every time someone edits my manuscript. Something
I have noticed, I much prefer not having to do this every time (shocking, right?), it makes me a
better writer, the first time through.
What are some of the ways you make your edits?
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