We left at 5:00am Saturday morning. Our first stop was Starbucks, but they don't even open until 5:30 on weekends. What the heck! Yeah....
About two hours into the drive we got a little turned around before realizing we were actually in Oklahoma. We took a wrong exit too and I blew through a toll booth. Finally the sun rose and we figured everything out.
We finally made it to the hotel!! Isn't this amazing! It was beautiful. We couldn't check in until 3:00 so we left everything in the car and went to the Mash Up!
I seriously took like no pictures. What was I thinking?! I was distracted by all the authors and books. Here's me with Komal, Erica, and Autumn!
I made bank in the SWAG department. I got 16 new books, a bazillion bookmarks and other postcards and book paraphernalia. I love all the keychains and magnets too! I connected them all to my wallet so I remember to read what I got!
So this guy was in the hallway when we were taking some pictures and just randomly started lifting up his shirt and flexing. We discovered he was looking at himself in the mirror. But it was still hilarious! His name is Don Allen and he won the model contest.
And this is me and Julie Bailes. You don't want to know what I was laughing about.
It was an amazing trip! I discovered so many new authors! All the authors I met were so sweet and entertaining. I loved meeting each of them. Meeting them made me want to read there books even more!
Next year the Mash Up will be in July. Keep and eye out here for more information. Komal and Erica have already said they are attending again and I'll be there! Now we just need to convince Michelle to come and we'll have a Dash reunion!
SOOO.....You saw all the stuff I got right?! Do you want to win some of it?! I've got bookmarks, postcards, magnets, buttons, keychains and other super awesome swag and most of it is signed by the author!!
All you have to do is fill out the rafflecopter form below and also leave a comment with your favorite Mash Up author. You can find the list of attending authors Here.
Winner will receive an item signed by each author from the Mash Up (Well those who had items to sign, some didn't). And a ebook of your choice from an attending author valued $4.99 and under.
a Rafflecopter giveaway